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zurubu.com: Understanding True Faith
Posted in: Bible | by Brian Taylor | 2016 Feb 16
Reading the Bible
I was brought up in a Christian home and knew about God as a young boy, but even though I knew of the existence of God, I didn't know much more.

I thought being good and believing that God existed was enough to get me in heaven. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I started questioning what believing in God really means and what I needed to do about it.

I started watching religious TV shows that told about God and the Bible. I heard about the need to repent and to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. But, I suffered from a problem of being over analytical.

I also had the problem of knowing only part of answer, but there were so many blanks that I didn't understand.

People kept saying that I need to have ”Faith” to be saved, but the word faith was foreign to my vocabulary. I thought it meant something like ”believe”. But how could I ”believe” if the object of that belief was still unknown?

Then hearing the Bible verse about ”having the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains” confused me even more. I thought this mountain moving faith was something like the Force in Starwars. I thought ”if I just believe a little harder...”, but this was wrong. Then I thought, ”maybe I wasn't sincere enough” like Linus in the Pumpkin Patch.

I couldn't have been further from the truth, but the Bible does say, ”if you seek God with all your heart, you will surely find him.”

Then a friend told me that I should read the Book of John in the Bible. Start at John 1:1 and read all the way through to the end.

The Book of John filled in all the blanks I struggled with for a long time. And from there I found many verses in the Bible that helps bring all my concerns into the light of understanding the true meaning of faith in God. Follow this link to Bible verses to help you know more about having true faith.
Bible verses on having true faith

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