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Stats Box - Atheists beliefs not based on evidence Posted in: Faith | by Brian | 2017 Nov 28
Standard of Truth
Atheists claim that they only believe propositions on the basis of evidence, but that is false. If the unbelieving worldview is true, it is impossible for the unbeliever to have any evidence for their claims. Due to process of accumulation evidence being inductive, the results of evidence are only probabilities or approximations. In order to measure probabilities and approximations,
there must be an absolute standard in which the results are weighed against. Since the unbelieving worldview cannot account for distinguishing true propositions from false ones, none of the unbeliever's claims are backed by evidence.
Christians, however, have the Bible, which has been given to us by an omniscient God who has both decreed and known the truth since the foundations of the earth were laid. Because of this, we can take what evidence we think we have and compare it to what the scriptures say. If it's consistent with the scriptures, it's evidence. If it's not consistent with the scriptures, it should be discarded.
Many atheists have attempted to respond to an earlier post I made that was very similar to this one. They try to change the subject by asking for proof of God or evidence for our claims. They will also mock us for believing the 'supernatural' and ask for evidence of a talking snake or something along those lines. We have answered such objections before, but it is interesting that the only way that atheists have been able to respond to this point is by invoking a red herring. I suppose it is to be expected because one of their favorite claims (The claim that they decide what is true on the basis of evidence.) has been definitively DEBUNKED.