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zurubu.com: Christians the most persecuted group in world for second year: Study
Posted in: Faith | by Franklin Graham | 2017 Jan 10
Franklin Graham
I just read a disturbing report that 90,000! Christians were killed in 2016 for their beliefs and hundreds of millions more were not allowed to practice their faith. The study named Christians as the most persecuted group in the world. We are holding the World Summit for Persecuted Christians in Washington, DC, in May through the (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) to try to help draw attention to the oppression and danger. Jesus warned His followers, 'If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you' (John 15:18).

As we are free to go to church to worship, remember to pray for those who aren't -- for those who are being persecuted, discriminated against, and even killed because of the Name of Christ.
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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

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