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zurubu.com: Adam, where are you?
Posted in: Faith | by Brian Taylor | 2019 Mar 01
Where are you?
I just read something that gave me a whole new take on the view of the original sin. When God was asking Adam ”Adam, where are you?” What if there was more to God's question than trying to find Adam's physical location, but to find his spiritual location? In other words, God may have been asking Adam ”Adam, where is your heart?”

This is something that we need to think about in terms of our lives today. Where are we spiritually? Are we putting God first in our lives in everything we do, or are we making how we live, work and play our first priority?

This reminds me of the Roman empire. Were they doing the same thing? ”Living for self”...

This should be a warning for us. One where we take a look inside our own hearts and ask ourselves ”Self, where are you in your daily walk with God?”

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